Day 9 – Season of Carnatic with Dr. Jayanthi Kumaresh – Bowli, Revagupti and Bhoopalam
by on November 14, 2019 in

Day 9 – Season of Carnatic with Dr. Jayanthi Kumaresh, a new web series where we will explore a completely new way to enjoy #ChennaiMargazhiSeason this year. Today’s ragams are Bowli, Revagupti and Bhoopalam. Catch the other episodes from this series here – Follow on Instagram – @jayanthiveena . Read on and watch Day 9 video by Dr. Jayanthi Kumaresh.

Janyam of Mayamalawagowlai (15th melakartha ragam) Arohanam: S R₁ G₃ P D₁ Ṡ Avarohanam: Ṡ N₃ D₁ P G₃ R₁ S This is an Audava Shadava ragam, having 5 swarams in the arohanam and 6 swarams in the avarohanam. It’s known to be a morning ragam. Listen to a composition rendered in this ragam by Sri. Saketharaman. Shambo Mahadeva –

Janyam of Mayamalawagowlai (15th melakartha ragam) Arohanam: S R₁ G₃ P D₁ Ṡ Avarohanam: Ṡ D₁ P G₃ R₁ S Listen to a composition rendered in this ragam by Dr. Pantula Rama Gopalaka Pahimam –

Arohanam: S R₁ G₂ P D₁ Ṡ Avarohanam: Ṡ D₁ P G₂ R₁ S Listen to this ragam and a composition rendered by Sri. Sanjay Subrahmanyan Sadachaleshwaram Bhavayeham –

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