Day 6 – Season of Carnatic with Dr. Jayanthi Kumaresh – Reethigowlai and Anandabhairavi
by on November 14, 2019 in

Day 6 – Season of Carnatic with Dr. Jayanthi Kumaresh, a new web series from Nov 1- Nov 30 where we will explore a completely new way to enjoy #ChennaiMargazhiSeason this year. Today’s endearing ragams are Reethigowlai and Anandabhairavi. Catch the other episodes from this series here – Follow on Instagram – @jayanthiveena. Read on and watch Day 6 video by Dr. Jayanthi Kumaresh. 

Reethigowlai is mostly believed to be the Janyam of Kharaharapriya (22nd Melakartha Raga) Arohanam: S G₂ R₂ G₂ M₁ N₂ D₂ M₁ N₂ N₂ Ṡ Avarohanam Ṡ N₂ D₂ M₁ G₂ M₁ P M₁ G₂ R₂ S Listen to an elaboration of this ragam on the violin by Sri.Kumaresh Reethigowlai –

While some believe it to be a Janyam of Natabhairavi (20th Melakartha ragam) some believe it to be the Janyam of Kharaharapriya (22nd Melakartha ragam) Arohanam: S G₂ R₂ G₂ M₁ P D₂ P Ṡ Avarohanam: Ṡ N₂ D₂ P M₁ G₂ R₂ S Listen to a Ragam Tanam Pallavi (RTP) rendered by Sri. G.N.Balasubramaniam RTP – Both Reethigowlai and Anandabhairavi are VAKRA ragams where the arohanam and avarohanam are in a zig-zag fashion (not in a straight line). Anandabhairavi is also a BHASHANGA ragam which has anya swara, that are not found in parent scale, in their arohana, avarohana or both.

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